Tuesday, August 17, 2021


    An intense low pressure system is rapidly intensifying over the Arabian Sea, developing into a cyclonic storm and expected to become a very severe cyclonic storm. 

The Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre in India has already classified it as 'Cyclone Nisarga'. 

According to the Indian Meteorological Department, Cyclone Nisarga is now heading towards Oman and Yemen and is expected to intensify on its course.

This will be the third tropical cyclone of this year so far in this region. 

The system is likely to intensify to severe cyclonic storm within 36 hours of development.

The current system is near the Oman and Yemen coasts. 

It is expected to weaken into a depression over the Gulf of Aden on Sunday, but will remain active enough to bring rainfall to the region. 

 [NOTE: This article has been updated with an acknowledgement of the track change on Mar 26, 2014.] 

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has warned people in the Gulf of Aden and nearby coasts of Yemen and Oman that Cyclone Nisarga is expected to intensify into a very severe cyclonic storm with winds reaching 100-150 km/h.

The IMD has also forecast heavy rainfall more than 150 mm/day in Oman and Yemen. 

The warning indicates a very strong cyclone headed towards the Arabian Sea by the weekend. 

Tropical Cyclone Nisarga is currently located over the Arabian Sea, near Socotra Island. 

It will continue traveling toward the east, between Yemen and Oman. 

The cyclone is expected to bring winds of 74-94 km/h as it heads towards the Gulf of Aden and northern Oman. 

Sustained winds of 90-140 km/h with gusts up to 175 km/h are also expected with this storm. 

Gale force winds have already been experienced in Assab and Muscat in Eritrea, as well as in al-Qayfa in Yemen.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

"Science Behind Rain"

Why it rains? and why changes are made? till date we humans have been solving the mysteries of the Earth and the universe. And much remains to be resolved. Many of the Earth's processes are such that it looks very simple. But it is one of the most complex processes in the universe. Without whom life cannot be imagined. One of the few mysterious processes is Rain. The rain in which life exists, and many other things related to it. So, today we try to understand this strange mystery of the universe.

As we know that the rain on the earth is in the form of water. The water rises above the surface of the earth after being evaporated and after cooling it falls on the earth again as a drop of water. But how does this water reach the sky? The rays of the sun heat our earth. Due to which water particles start moving away from each other. And the water starts turning into steam. This steam is so light that it slowly starts flowing towards the sky. The temperature starts decreasing to 5.30 degrees per thousand feet. It starts to cool as the steam rises. And it takes the liquid again. When these small particles of water meet each other. So we call them clouds. These tiny particles are so light that they start flying easily in the air. They have to make millions of drops to form a crystal to fall to the ground. And to make ice crystals, they need something solid. And it serves to form the basis of crystals of fire smoke particles in the earth's forests, tiny particles of sand, Microbe, as well as micrometeorites coming from space. The most important role in getting rain is that these small particles i.e. micrometeorites come from the universe.

Approximately 2000 kilograms of micrometeorites collide with the Earth's atmosphere from the universe. Their size is so small that they have to face very little friction. As a result, these micrometeorites slowly move into small droplets. And in this case, these particles help to form water crystals. As soon as it meets the water droplets, the water becomes crystallized around this particle. And this process happens billions of times a day. Now this crystal acts as a base for other water droplets. These small crystals merge to form ice. When the weight of ice becomes more, then it starts falling towards the earth. As these ice moves towards the earth, the temperature also increases. Due to which the ice melts and starts falling as small water droplets. Which we call rain.

Most of the water on the earth comes from rain. Do you know that there are millions of water in the sky all the time? If this water falls on the earth together then it can cover the sea and the ground with an inch of water. And the same water is present in the body of every human and animal that once existed in dinosaurs and any other extinct species. A human body consists of 60% water. That is why we are also part of this rain cycle. And this water has been recycle ever since the first time water was born on earth.

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Saturday, July 25, 2020


The sparrow is a small bird. Like other birds, these birds have a great contribution not only in human life but also in the balance of nature. This bird contributes to many things in nature in its own way.
In fact, in summer, they are more visible around human settlements. And during the rainy season, their habitat is mostly in the forest. But if you want to observe sparrows, then summer and winter are very good seasons. If you look at the number of sparrows, it seems to be decreasing from the cities. And the sparrows are still very good in the small villages around the cities, the lands adjoining the villages, or the farms. And even today this part is very rich for observation.

In cities nowadays where concrete forests are growing in large numbers, large numbers of houses are growing, sparrows have almost disappeared from there. The sparrow does not need very large trees for habitat. The sparrow's habitat is the shrubs, acacias and scrub forests. And this is where they live. What happens is that all these are broken in the summer, so somewhere we are unknowingly inflicting wounds on their habitat. So we feel that their number is decreasing.

The way in which the number of tigers has come down drastically has made us realize the importance of tigers today. Therefore, efforts are being made everywhere to save the tigers. And their reserve forests have also been created all over the world and they are being conserved very well. But in the case of sparrows, we do not have such awareness. It is equally true that sparrow is contributing as much as we can to maintaining the balance of this environment.

If the environment is saved, the sparrow can definitely survive. 

Sunday, July 5, 2020


You would not know 10 things related to the earth. Earth, our earth, our home, our only address in this entire universe. We humans are trying to unravel the secrets of this earth. But no one knows how many secrets this blue house is hiding in its womb.

Hello friends and welcome to my blog Value of Nature. And today we are going to tell you 10 such things related to the earth, which you have never heard of before. So let's know about them.
  1. A day wasn't always of 24 hours-  
         The day was not always 24 hours. Now I will ask you how many hours are there in a day, then you will say that there are 24 hours. This is a simple question, but friends were not always so. About 70 million years ago, there used to be only 21 hours and 56 minutes in a day. In fact, due to the gravity of the moon, sun and other planets, there is a lot of change in the orbit of the earth due to the tides coming in the sea. And every 100 years, the time of one day works out to 1.4 milliseconds. Due to the natural objections that occur on Earth, the time of day also changes. The 2011 earthquake in Japan reduced the time of 1 day by about 1.4 milliseconds.

       2. Increasing Heat- 
           The heat is constantly increasing on the earth. Scientists believe that after 100 million years from today, our sun will be 10% brighter and warmer than today. After 400 million years, the heat will increase so much that the sea water will turn into steam. After 450 million years, the Earth will turn into a big desert like Mars. And the sun must have taken such a terrible form that Mercury, Venus and our moon would have ended.

        3. Earth is not perfect sphere- 
            Since childhood we have been taught that the Earth is round, but you might not know that the Earth is not completely round. It is a little flat on its pole. Or you can say that there is a little bit more round in the middle. Actually, the Earth rotates on its orbit towards the equator at such a speed that the Earth has come. Like a ball hit hard. Do you know Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth. Because the height of the mountains is measured from the surface of the sea. If we measure its height from the womb of the earth, then Mount Chimborazo is the highest mountain on the earth.

        4. Longest mountain range- 

             Do you know what is the longest mountain range in the world? The answer from most of you will be the Andes Mountain Range but this is not the case. Actually only 10% of the world's longest mountain range is visible to us. And the rest is in the depths of the sea. We know it as Mid Ocean Ridge System. According to a survey conducted in 1950, its length is 80,000 k.m. And it is 20 times longer than the Andes mountain range.

        5. Geo- Magnetic Reversal- 
             As you may know that the Earth's pole also acts like a magnet. Scientists believe that the Earth keeps turning its magnetic directions. And this will also happen in the coming times. But there is nothing to worry, because it will not have any effect on us. But all the compasses of the world will be disturbed. But whale and dolphin fish will have more trouble because they find their way only with the help of these magnetic waves.

        6. Uneven Gravity- 

            Many of you must understand that gravity is the same everywhere on earth. Let me tell you that there is no such thing at all. Canada's Hudson Bay is one such example. The gravity here is much less than other places of the earth. It is believed that there is not enough mass between the womb and the surface of the earth. Due to which the gravity here is less. In 2009, the gravity of different places of the Earth was measured using a satellite sent to space. In which this place was learned. By the way, this is not the only place on earth. Rather, such irregularities of gravity have been found in many places.

        7. Pangea- 

            Today there are 6 continents on the Earth. But about 300 million years ago, all these continents were the same. Meaning was a piece of land on earth. Which we knew by the name of Pangea. At that time it was spread over 1/3 part of the earth. Later, about 1.65 million years ago, due to the movement in the Earth's tectonic plates, all the continents gradually separated. According to geologists, after 2.5 million years from now, all the continents will be reunited once. And the Pangea will be formed once again.

        8. Hidden Ocean- 

             Scientists have talked about being a hidden sea about 660 km below the ground. It is believed that this sea has 3 times more water than all the seas on the surface of the earth. This water is not liquid. Is in the form of a large blue rock. Which is named Ringwoodite. Some scientists also believe that the sea which exists on the surface of the earth today. They were also like this inside the ground before. But they came to the surface due to geographical activities.

        9. Earth Was Violet- 

             Earth was purple at first. Now you will say that this is happening more now. Darwin says that we were monkeys. And now the Earth has also turned purple. But if some astronomical biologists believe it is completely true. In fact, instead of chlorophyll, the early jive found on earth used to make food with the help of sun rays using a chemical of purple color. This chemical is named retinal. The color of our planet was also purple for this reason. But later the plants which grew on the earth used chlorophyll to make their food. Green chlorophyll can absorb more sunlight than purple chlorophyll. And so it proved more effective.

        10. How Life Started On Earth ? 

             There are millions of livestock of millions of species on earth. But the most intelligent of them, that is, we humans could not yet ascertain from where we came to this earth. Some scientists believe that all the living organisms of the Earth are made up of molecules that were present on Earth at that time. These ANU or Molecules could repeat themselves. Like there is DNA. But these molecules were made on earth or came from a planet far away in the universe. It is not even clear yet. By the way, most scientists claim that these molecules were made with the creation of the Earth. And we are not aliens.

So friends, there were 10 interesting things related to the earth. So which things did you already know. And what new did you get to know today. Please let us know by commenting. So see you next time with a new topic till then goodbye.

Sunday, June 28, 2020


In previous blog were we learned about Charles Darwin's "Theory of Evolution". That how many species of species have happened on our earth? and how a protozoa has turned into 2 million species. We also discussed the reason for the evolution. Which includes Mutation and Recombination. If you have not read previous blog, you must first read my blog to understand Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Which you will find by scrolling towards the bottom. Well, our today's topic is also about next step of Evolution.

Nature always takes our test. And see if we are able to live in his created universe or not? The person who passes this exam live this nature. And the one who fails in this examination has to disappear. Because nature always chooses us for itself.

Hello friends, welcome to the "Value of Nature" and I am your friend Nitesh. And in this topic we will learn about an important reason for the natural selection.

Charles Darwin spoke about the natural selection in his revolutionary book "Origin of Species". Which made us understand a lot about the evolution. First of all, we know that what is the natural selection? Actually it is a small difference between two different looking species. It is possible that you too may not have understood correctly what is natural selection? So let's know it better in detail.

Charles Darwin traveled around the world before writing Origin of Species. And he had also studied beings that looked alike. He had said that the same species found on the island are also found on the mainland. But the two are slightly different. Now you must be wondering why? Actually, we call it natural selection. Where animals adapt themselves to the environment and geographical conditions. This change is slow but it is 100 percent correct. And many scientists have also proved it in the lab. The species living on the island molded themselves according to the island, and the species living on the same Mainland molded themselves according to the mainland. And this is why there is a difference between the two. In these species, the one who adapts himself according to the atmosphere and geographical situation, he is able to live. And are able to extend their existence to the second generation and this is the "Law of Nature".

Let's understand this a little easier from an example. Assuming there were two Giraffes, one had a long neck and the other had a short neck, when both of them had children, obviously the offspring of a small Giraffe would have been born with a shorter neck, and the longer Giraffe had a long neck. Must have been born with. Now the long-necked Giraffe used to easily eat the leaves of tall trees, and those with short necks were unable to do so. Now those Giraffes with short necks could not eat properly, then their species started fading naturally. And the long-necked Giraffe survived. We call it natural selection. Because nature had chosen them, and this is the reason that there are only long-necked Giraffes left around us.

Hopefully, you must have understood natural selection, and also understood why it is important for evolution.

Friends, how did you like our topic ?, you must tell us, and if you got to learn something new from this topic then please do like and share. See you again with new interesting topic.

Thank You.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

"Theory of Evolution" by "Charles Darwin"

We humans are curious beings, we like to understand and experiment with new things. We understand other things but, when it comes to your own existence so we are able to understand them? can we tell you this where did we come from? why our Earth is different from other planets? These are some such questions whose answers we do not know for sure. But 'Charles Darwin' "Theory of Evolution" we get all the answers of these questions after the beginning of life on Earth after all how did so many species arise?
So Hi friends I am Nitesh, and today we will try to know 'Charles Darwin'  "Theory of Evolution".

Life on Earth began a billions years ago. It is estimated that our life on Earth began about 3.6 billion years ago. When all is well suited for life then just started being a Protozoa, which later turns into million species. we humans never said that is a descendant of that early Protozoa. Now the question arias how Protozoa turns into millions species, and how did it become possible due to a Protozoa a new species should be prepared. The questions is many, lets look at these answers.

First off all, know what the species is? Actually those groups of Living Organisms who breed we call them species. And you believe it or not but is also necessary for evolution. Lets see see why all livings being must separate from each other and why are they being separate. We are all made of Cells, and Nucleus occurs in those cells, and Chromosomes in the Nucleus that contain DNA. who carry Gene. Gene stored information, actually your all habit in your Genes. You can easily say that a Gene is like a computers coding. Whatever you are Long, Short all this information is in the Genes. The Gene is inside the DNA and the DNA is different. No matter what it could never happen that the DNA of Two animals should be the same, and this is why Genes are also different. but yes it is possible that your DNA meets your Ancestors or your parents to a great extant, but is never possible to meet fully, and that's why all animals are unique in themselves. This shows that DNA is the cause of any living animal being unique.

Now the question arises why everyone DNA is different. Lets see,  There are two reasons for this...
1) Recombination. 2) Mutation.

Now lets know about both...

1) Recombination- Understand with the example. Lets assume there's a baby and its color is white, babies mother skin color is also white, but she is not tall, but the child father is tall, but their skin color is not white. Now you must be wondering why I am telling all this? Actually that child is his parents off -spring. And it has the DNA of both its mother and father and together with random characteristics it the DNA of child. That is why a child has the qualities of both mother and father we call it recombination. It is not necessary that all the DNA is belong to his parents. Maybe of his ancestors. Or sometimes DNA will not be matched with anyone and it will be new.

2) Mutation- Mutation is random change of DNA. In easy language you understand it there is no fix rule of DNA combination. Its rather random. Or you under it that you can't say for sure that what would be child of a parent. It will all be random. Mutation however sometimes causes harmful diseases as well such as Cancer. But it's also has a good results like a person has a blue eyes. It is the result of DNA Mutations. It also comes at one time when a new living being there is no link to DNA from their ancestors. And that is the new formation of new species.

Hope you understand that how life on earth originated, and why there is such a great diversity of life around us.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Nature and Corona Virus VS the Humans..

By the way, the first authority on every day of life is with nature and the earth.

But humans have exploited nature and earth so much that now we have to set a day to recognize its true value. The earth which rotates to its tune 24 hours without tired, who does not complain to anyone. Never say anything to anyone about what is happening to him. But the thing to think about is what did we do for nature? The truth is that actually millions of people of the world only celebrates Earth Day, keep doing big events, big NGO’s keep running their shops, Demonstrations continue, But the earth has never benefited from all this.  But this is the first time in the last several decades when a humans is forcibly imprisoned in their own homes, economic activity is closed, life's run has stopped. And this is the biggest favor on this earth.

Like we all know that there is Lockdown in the whole world, but this Lockdown has given the earth the necessary break, Due to which he will return to his old form. Must have noticed that we all need rest, we all used to wait for the weekend. But now every day is Sunday. But have we ever thought that just like we need a break, perhaps the earth also needs a break? That is, it is better for the earth that humans stop their activities and its pleasant results will automatically come to the fore. Because the Earth will get a break from it. The desire to exploit nature and establish authority over it in the name of freedom has put the earth in peril and now is the time that humans make their mistakes accept and learn to respect nature. Our analysis of today focuses on this sentiment. However we also know that as soon as the Lockdown is over you will forget all these things.

Due to the Lockdown, there have been many such changes in nature, which we cannot ignore.
  1. India's most important river Ganges, which has not been cleaned even after spending 1)      crores of rupees, is now clean, if you want you can also drink Ganga water in Haridwar.
  2. The cities where it was difficult to breathe have also been cleaned to a great extent. And now even from any city from our country, mountains can be seen from hundreds of miles away.
  3. There are many areas of Punjab from where you can see the peaks of the Himalayas.
Humans have taken too long to heal the wounds of the earth. After 1980 Greenland glaciers are melting at 6 times higher speed, the incidence of floods and forest fires is increasing rapidly.
Human attitudes towards nature are also changing. And lockdown and corona virus have a big contribution in changing this attitude. This crisis has prevented humans from interfering in the workings of nature. And the result is that the wounds of the earth have been healed to some extent.

But there is still a lot to be done from humans, Will we start exploiting the Earth again after the Lockdown? Or, taking inspiration in this crisis, we will return to the shelter of nature and plead
forgiveness for our mistakes this is the big question? 


     An intense low pressure system is rapidly intensifying over the Arabian Sea, developing into a cyclonic storm and expected to become a ...